壓鑄鋁合金 鋁合金中以ADC10,A380,ADC12,A383,A356,A360較常看到使用。 參考合金 JIS(日本) AA(美國) ASTM CSA DIN(德國) NF BS(英國) Al-Si AC4C A356 SG70N LM25 Al-Si AC3A A413.2 S12A.B G-ALSi12 A-S12 LM6 Al-Si ADC1 A413 S12A.C GD-ALSi12 A-S13 LM20 Al-Si-Mg ADC3 A360.2 SG100A GD-ALSi10Mg LM20 Al-Si-Cu ADC10 A380.1 SC84A SC84P GD-ALSi8Cu3Fe A-S10U4 LM24 Al-Si-Cu ADC12 A383 LM2 ADC14 B390. LM30 Al-Mg ADC5 A518.2 G8A G8 GD-ALMg8Cu A-G6(11) Al-Mg ADC6 A514 G4A GS40 GD-ALMg3Cu A-G3T LM5 A199.5 1050 995 A5 1B ER5052 5052 AlMg2 2L.55 6061 7075 Aluminum product applications 1. 380 aluminum alloy is most commonly used because it offers the best combination of casting and product proproperties. It is used for the widest variety of products; lawn mower housings, electronics chassis, engine components, home appliance etc. 2. 383 and 384 are alternatives to 380 that are specified when very intricate components require improved die filling characteristics and improved resistance to hot cracking. 3. 360 alloy offers improved corrosion resistance and superior strength at elevated temperatures compared to 380 alloy, both copper and zinc are reduced in this alloy compared to 380 alloy各國鋁合金規格對照表